Linked up with Caro, went to Dillon's Irish Pub. Haven't been to this spot in a hot minute! Pints 3 bucks, 22oz 5 bucks, you can't beat those fuckin prices at any bar, playboy!
Hung out again at my boys shop for some smlogger 1 year anniversary party.
Party was cool, but the music on the other hand was mad wack, son! If I here Lady GaGa, or Mgmt 1 more time.... I'm going to punch whoever is bumping it in the face... you've been warned.
Ran into this Negro, haven't chilled with Rodney in a hot minute.
Girl drinking a 40?! Not bad
Rookies, finish your drink.
Friday, November 12, 2010
Honestly, Not a big Kanye fan, but this song is my new joint! Can't front... song is bangin', son!
Hung out at my Boys shop SixHundred over in DT during Art Walk, snapped a few pics, had a few beers and here we go!
My dude Dj Higher was holding it down with the tunes!
Sherlock Homeboy
This girl called me evil, WTF?!?! That face look evil babygirl!
I gave this kid props on his snapback, he got all cocky and gave me mad attitude. Get the fuck out here guppy, your weak ass Kansas joint can't fade my Los Angeles Raiders snapback, son!
This girl was killing it, anyone dropping golden era hip hop joints is okay with me.
Side note... She can mix too. She was all yoked up. I tried top snap a flick but didn't get to get one of her guns. She for look like she can fuck some fools up.
My dude! Stop by his Shop Sixhundred got some nice stuff inside.